Monday, March 11, 2013

Liebster Award

I was nominated for a Liebster Award by the wonderful Amberly of Life With Amberly & Joe I am definitely new to the blogging world so it's a great way for me to let you all know a little bit more about me! So here is how it goes...
1. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Answer the questions the nominator has come up with for you.
3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you have nominated.
4. Choose new bloggers with less than 300 followers to nominate and link to them in your post.
5- Go tell them about your nomination!
11 Random Facts
1. I love polka dot toe nails
2. I want to travel the world & have a good start on it so far
3. I stare at every one's hair thinking of how to do a color or cut or how I would do it different, as a result of my job (it drives my mom crazy)
4. I can't stand when people aren't up front with me
5. I have an addiction to "snow" oreos (the white fudge dipped ones, thanks dad)
6. I am a huge procrastinator
7. I love snowmobiling & boating
8. I have the sexiest husband 
9. I love Disney movies
10. I sometimes wish I lived in the 80's
11. I have a love hate relationship with running
11 Questions
1. What is your favorite city/place to visit/vacation spot?
A: I can't choose just one so... my grandma's ranch in Paris, Idaho & my grandparents cabin in Palisades. Both places always include family, food, and outdoor fun.

2. What is the biggest dream/bucket list item that you want to achieve?
A: raising and teaching kids to be strong, independent, and

3. What is your guilty pleasure?
A: s'mores cookie bars try them you'll be hooked! find the recipe here 

4. What is your favorite quote?
A: small acts transform the world

5. What is your motto in life?
A: not stressing the small things, working hard for the real things, and loving the important things

6. What is a favorite product you own?
A: aquage uplifting foam (say the word product and my mind triggers to hair)

7. What is your favorite book?
A: any one of Nicholas Sparks' my latest favorite though is Safe Haven

8.  What is one movie that you could watch over and over again and never get tired of?
A: let's go back to Nicholas Sparks and the Notebook :)

9. What is a goal that you are working to achieve right now?
A: building my salon brand & clientele

10. What is your favorite kind of hot chocolate? (Flavor, brand, etc.)
A: normal chocolate from the family cannery

11. When did you start blogging and why?
A: i started a personal blog after we got married & started this blog in November as a way to get my designs, thoughts, and ideas out to people.
11 Questions for other Bloggers
1. What was the last good movie you saw?
2. What is your favorite winter activity
3. What is one goal you hope to accomplish?
4. What is your favorite book?
5. What is one thing you can't live without?
6. Why did you start blogging?
7. Would you rather vacation to a beach or the mountains?
8. What is your favorite color?
9. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
10. What is your favorite quote?
11. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
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  1. Thanks so much lady! Couldn't email you back b/c you are a no-reply blogger! Email me and I will let you know how to fix that :) Now following along & can't wait to read your sweet blog. I'm right there with you on the traveling - would love to hear where you've been!

    1. I'm working on some posts about our travels; stay tuned and thanks for reading!

  2. Hey Jessica! Thanks for the nomination and I'm a new follower of yours thru Google Friend Connect (GFC).

    ~ Heather

  3. Congrats! &I loved getting to know you better through this :)
